Desktop Apps: My System AppsBrowser: Brave Browser It helps me to make Dapps and it focus on your security!Code Editor:VSCode, find my configurations here GitHub/DotFiles with Font: Operator Mono font with Ligatures of Fira CodeDesign: Sketch App and FigmaEmail: SparkTodos: TickTickTerminal: iTerm2 with Oh-My-Zsh and SpaceshipVersioning and other tools: Git, Github, Bitbucket, Docker, Jira, Yarn, NPMWeb Technologies and Frameworks: React, HTML5, JS(ES6), Java, Node.js, SpringBootStyling: CSS3, Sass, Styled Components, Bootstrap, FoundationDatabases & Data Structures: MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, GraphQL, REST API / JSONPassword Manager & VPN: DashLaneI'm a huge Alfred fan and i love using it due to it's ease of use and PowerPack.I currently use Postman for all my api endpoints testing.Hardware
Laptop: MacBook Pro 13" 2016 with TouchBarDisplays: (2 Lg Monitors) 27UK850 LG 4K UHD Monitor with HDR & 25UM58 21:9 UltraWide Monitor PC: I7-9k 16gb 32000mhz 8gb rx580 (MY RIG) Keyboard: Hyperx Elite RGB MX BLUE KeysTablet & Stylus: iPad Pro 11" 2019 with Apple Pencil Gen 2Watch: Apple Watch series 5Controller: Xbox one Controller